On Monday 4th December the Gorvermnent released their long overdue Careers Strategy
The Careers strategy released by government underpins the expectations that every single young person will have access to careers support and opportunities to engage with the world of work. Schools and colleges will be expected to evidence that they are meeting or working towards all 8 of the Gatsby Benchmarks which evidences excellent careers provision in Education. Government will be asking schools and colleges to meet these standards and will be publishing new statutory guidance in January 2018 setting out how to meet all of the benchmarks.
Through the Enterprise Advisor Network and local Enterprise Co-ordinator schools and colleges will be expected to work towards the update quality in careers standard, incorporating the Compass Tool.
The Government will also be liaising with OFSTED as it review the Common Inspection Framework, to consider coverage of careers provision as part of the development of any planned changes to school and college inspection arrangements which will take effect from September 2019.
The full press release from Government can be read here
The full careers strategy can be read here https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/careers-strategy-making-the-most-of-everyones-skills-and-talents
Last updated: 07/12/2017